
Resultant_flux_at_crest(alpha, theta, Q0, gamma=1.6, **kwargs)[source]#

Resultant flux (i.e vectorial average) of the sand flux at the crest.

  • alpha (scalar, numpy array) – Dune orientation \(\alpha\).

  • theta (scalar, numpy array) – Flux orientation \(\theta\) in degrees.

  • Q0 (scalar, numpy array) – Flux at the bottom of the dune \(Q_{0}\).

  • gamma (scalar, numpy array) – Flux-up ratio \(\gamma\) (the default is 1.6).

  • **kwargskwargs are passed to Vector_average.


A list containing the orientation and the magnitude of the resultant sand flux at the crest.

Return type

list of scalars, numpy arrays


>>> import numpy as np
>>> alpha = 10
>>> theta = np.random.random((1000,))*360
>>> Q0 = np.random.random((1000,))*50
>>> Qcrest = Resultant_flux_at_crest(alpha, theta, Q0)