Source code for python_codes.plot_functions

Plotting functions used in various figure scripts.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.path as path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as ptch
from windrose import WindroseAxes
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_2d

[docs]def plot_wind_rose(theta, U, bins, ax, fig, label=None, boxprops=None, boxloc=(0.5, 0.05), **kwargs): """Plot a wind rose from one dimensional time series. Parameters ---------- theta : array_like Wind orientation in the trigonometric convention. U : array_like Wind velocity, same shape as `theta`. bins : list Velocity bin edges. ax : matplotlib.axes ax of the figure on which the wind rose is plotted. fig : matplotlib.figure figure on which the wind rose is plotted label : str or None if not None, label plotted below the wind rose (default is None). boxprops : dict Text box properties (the default is None). boxloc : list, tuple Text location (x,y), in ax coordinates (the default is (0.5, 0.05)). **kwargs : Optional parameters passed to :func:` <>`. Returns ------- WindroseAxes return the axe on which the wind rose is plotted. Can be used for further modifications. """ # changing ax to have to have the windrose projection subplotspec = ax.get_subplotspec() ax.remove() ax_rose = fig.add_subplot(subplotspec, projection='windrose') Angle = (90 - theta) % 360, U, bins=bins, normed=True, zorder=20, opening=1, edgecolor=None, linewidth=0.5, nsector=60, **kwargs) ax_rose.grid(True, linewidth=0.4, color='k', linestyle='--') ax_rose.patch.set_alpha(0.6) ax_rose.set_axisbelow(True) ax_rose.set_yticks([]) ax_rose.set_xticklabels([]) ax_rose.set_yticklabels([]) if label is not None: fig.text(boxloc[0], boxloc[1], label, ha='center', va='center', transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=boxprops) return ax_rose
[docs]def plot_flux_rose(angles, distribution, ax, fig, nbins=20, withaxe=0, label=None, boxprops=None, boxloc=(0.5, 0.05), **kwargs): """Short summary. Parameters ---------- angles : array_like bin center in orientation of the flux distribution. distributions : array_like angular flux distribution. ax : matplotlib.axes ax of the figure on which the wind rose is plotted. fig : matplotlib.figure figure on which the wind rose is plotted. nbins : int number of angular bins for the plot (the default is 20). withaxe : 0 or 1 Define if the polar axes are plotted or not (the default is 0). label : str If not None, sets a label at the bottom of the flux rose (the default is None). boxprops : dict Text box properties (the default is None). boxloc : list, tuple Text location (x,y), in ax coordinates (the default is (0.5, 0.05)). **kwargs : Optional parameters passed to :func:` <>`. Returns ------- WindroseAxes return the axe on which the wind rose is plotted. Can be used for further modifications. """ # PdfQ = distribution/np.nansum(distribution) # normalization # creating the new pdf with the number of bins Lbin = 360/nbins Bins = np.arange(0, 360, Lbin) Qdat = [] Qangle = [] precision_flux = 0.001 for n in range(len(Bins)): ind = np.argwhere((angles >= Bins[n] - Lbin/2) & (angles < Bins[n] + Lbin/2)) integral = int(np.nansum(PdfQ[ind])/precision_flux) for i in range(integral): Qangle.append(Bins[n]) Qdat.append(1) Qangle = np.array(Qangle) # #### making the plot ax_rose = WindroseAxes.from_ax(fig=fig) ax_rose.set_position(ax.get_position(), which='both') # bars =, Intensity, normed=True, opening=1, edgecolor='k', nsector = Nsector, bins = Nbin, cmap = cmap) Qangle = (90 - Qangle) % 360 if Qangle.size != 0: _ =, Qdat, nsector=nbins, **kwargs) ax_rose.set_rmin(0) ax_rose.plot(0, 0, '.', color='w', zorder=100, markersize=3) # ax_rose.set_yticklabels(['{:.1f}'.format(float(i.get_text())*precision_flux) for i in ax.get_yticklabels()]) if withaxe != 1: ax_rose.set_yticks([]) if label is not None: fig.text(boxloc[0], boxloc[1], label, ha='center', va='center', transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=boxprops) ax.remove() return ax_rose
[docs]def plot_scatter_surrounded(x, y, color, alpha): """Plot a scatter plot with a black thin line surrounding point clusters. Parameters ---------- x : array_like `x` vector. y : array_like `x` vector, same shape as `y`. color : str or array_like color passed to `c` argument of :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter <matplotlib.pyplot.scatter>`. alpha : float alpha passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter <matplotlib.pyplot.scatter>`. Returns ------- None Nothing, it just updates the plot. """ plt.scatter(x % 360, y % 360, s=5, c='0.0', lw=0.5, rasterized=True) plt.scatter(x % 360, y % 360, s=5, c='1.0', lw=0, rasterized=True) plt.scatter(x % 360, y % 360, s=3, c=color, lw=0, alpha=alpha, rasterized=True)
[docs]def log_tick_formatter(val, pos=None): return f"$10^{{{int(val)}}}$"
[docs]def rgba_to_rgb(color): """Convert a RGBA color to RGB taking transparency into account. From Parameters ---------- color : np.array, shape (N, 4) RGBA color array. Returns ------- np.array, shape (N, 3) RGB color array. """ white = np.array([1, 1, 1]) alpha = color[..., -1] color = color[..., :-1] return alpha[:, None]*color + (1 - alpha[:, None])*white[None, :]
[docs]def plot_regime_diagram(ax, quantity, vars, lims, xlabel, ylabel, type='scatter', bins=None, **kwargs): x_var, y_var = vars[0], vars[1] ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') # if type == 'binned': x_bin, y_bin = bins[0], bins[1] # #### binning data average, x_edge, y_edge, _ = binned_statistic_2d(x_var, y_var, quantity, statistic='mean', bins=[x_bin, y_bin]) # # #### making plot a = ax.pcolormesh(x_edge, y_edge, average.T, snap=True, **kwargs) elif type == 'scatter': a = ax.scatter(x_var, y_var, s=5, c=quantity, lw=0, rasterized=True, **kwargs) # ax.set_xlim(lims[0]) ax.set_ylim(lims[1]) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) # if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) return a
[docs]def make_nice_histogram(data, nbins, ax, vmin=None, vmax=None, scale_bins='lin', density=True, orientation='vertical', **kwargs): """Function making a fancy histogram from input data. Parameters ---------- data : numpy array, dimensions (N,) One dimensional input data array nbins : int Number of bins ax : matplotlib.axes Figure ax on which to plot the data. vmin : float Minimum value of the histogram (the default is None). vmax : float Maximum value of the histogram (the default is None). scale_bins : str If 'lin', the `nbins` are taken linearly, while if 'log', the bins are logarithmically spaced (the default is 'lin'). density : bool If True, the histogram is normalized such that its integral is unity (the default is True). orientation : str If vertical, the histogram bars are vertical and the variable is on thr horizontal axis. If 'horizontal', its the other way around (the default is 'vertical'). **kwargs : Optional parameters passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.hist <matplotlib.pyplot.hist>`. Returns ------- type Description of returned object. """ min = np.nanmin(data) if vmin is None else vmin max = np.nanmax(data) if vmax is None else vmax if scale_bins == 'log': bins = np.logspace(np.log10(min), np.log10(max), nbins) if orientation == 'vertical': ax.set_xscale('log') else: ax.set_yscale('log') else: bins = np.linspace(min, max, nbins) a = ax.hist(data, bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled', density=density, orientation=orientation, **kwargs) ax.hist(data, bins=bins, histtype='step', color=a[-1][0].get_fc(), density=density, orientation=orientation)
[docs]def plot_arrow(ax, start, end, arrowprops): """Plot an arrow using matplotlib :class:`FancyArrowPatch <matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch>`. Note that it can plot dashed arrows without having an ugly head depending on `type` argument, following Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axe Axe on which to plot the arrow start : tuple, list, numpy array starting coordinates of the arrow end : tuple, list, numpy array starting coordinates of the arrow arrowprops : dict `arrowprops` dictionnary passed to matplotlib :class:`FancyArrowPatch <matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch>`. Returns ------- Return nothing, only plot the arrow """ arrow = ptch.FancyArrowPatch(end, start, **arrowprops) ax.add_patch(arrow) if arrow.get_linestyle() != '-': # Tail v1 = arrow.get_path().vertices[0:3, :] c1 = arrow.get_path().codes[0:3] p1 = path.Path(v1, c1) pp1 = ptch.PathPatch(p1, color=arrow.get_facecolor(), lw=arrow.get_linewidth(), linestyle=arrow.get_linestyle(), fill=False) ax.add_patch(pp1) # Heads ====> partie qui ne marche pas v2 = arrow.get_path().vertices[3:, :] c2 = arrow.get_path().codes[3:] c2[0] = 1 p2 = path.Path(v2, c2) pp2 = ptch.PathPatch(p2, color=arrow.get_facecolor(), lw=arrow.get_linewidth(), linestyle='-') ax.add_patch(pp2) arrow.remove()
[docs]def north_arrow(ax, center, length, length_small=None, width=None, radius=None, theta=0, textcolor='k', transform=None, **kwargs): """Plot a arrow indicating the North on a figure. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axe Axe on which to plot the arrow center : list, tuple, np.array Position of the arrow length : float arrow max length length_small : float length of the center par tof the arrow (the default is 0.8*length). width : float arrow width (the default is (3/7)*length). radius : float distance between the text and the arrow (the default is (45/70)*length). theta : float rotation of the arrow indicating the north (the default is 0 for an arrow pointing upward). textcolor : str color of the text (the default is 'k'). transform : matplotlib transform transform for the coordinate systen of the input length and positions (the default is ax.transData). **kwargs : Optional parameters passed to :class:`Polygon <matplotlib.patches.Polygon>`, used to customize the arrow. Returns ------- None return nothing """ if transform is None: transform = ax.transData if length_small is None: length_small = 0.8*length if width is None: width = (3/7)*length if radius is None: radius = (45/70)*length y_start = radius + length - length_small arrow = np.array([[0, y_start], [width/2, radius], [0, radius + length], [-width/2, radius], [0, y_start]]) # barycentre = np.sum(arrow, axis=0)/arrow.shape[0] # arrow =, (arrow-barycentre).T).T + barycentre r = np.array(((np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)), (np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)))) arrow =, arrow.T).T arrow = arrow + np.array(center) # ax.add_patch(ptch.Polygon(arrow, transform=transform, **kwargs)) ax.text(center[0], center[1], r'\textbf{N}', transform=transform, ha='center', va='center')