Source code for python_codes.linear_theory

Linear theory of a turbulent flow over a sinusoidal bottom.


.. line-block::
    [1] Fourrière, A. (2009). Morphodynamique des rivières: Sélection de la largeur, rides et dunes (Doctoral dissertation, Université Paris-Diderot-Paris VII).
    [2] Fourriere, A., Claudin, P., & Andreotti, B. (2010). Bedforms in a turbulent stream: formation of ripples by primary linear instability and of dunes by nonlinear pattern coarsening. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 649, 287-328.
    [3] Andreotti, B., Fourriere, A., Ould-Kaddour, F., Murray, B., & Claudin, P. (2009). Giant aeolian dune size determined by the average depth of the atmospheric boundary layer. Nature, 457(7233), 1120-1123.
    [4] Andreotti, B., Claudin, P., Devauchelle, O., Durán, O., & Fourrière, A. (2012). Bedforms in a turbulent stream: ripples, chevrons and antidunes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 690, 94-128.


import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from python_codes.general import cosd, sind
from python_codes.meteo_analysis import mu

# %%
# Geometrical model
# -----------------
# Geometrical model for the scaling of the coefficient as the function of the orientation of the bottom perturbation

[docs]def Ax(alpha, A0): r"""Calculate the hydrodynamic coefficient :math:`\mathcal{A}_{x}` using the geometrical model: .. math:: \mathcal{A}_{x} = \mathcal{A}_{0}\cos^{2}\alpha. Parameters ---------- alpha : array, scalar Dune orientation with respect to the perpendicular to the flow direction (in degree). A0 : array, scalar value of the hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. Returns ------- array, scalar the hydrodynamic coefficient. """ return A0*cosd(alpha)**2
[docs]def Ay(alpha, A0): r"""Calculate the hydrodynamic coefficient :math:`\mathcal{A}_{y}` using the geometrical model: .. math:: \mathcal{A}_{y} = 0.5\mathcal{A}_{0}\cos\alpha\sin\alpha. Parameters ---------- alpha : array, scalar Dune orientation with respect to the perpendicular to the flow direction (in degree). A0 : array, scalar value of the hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. Returns ------- array, scalar the hydrodynamic coefficient. """ return A0*cosd(alpha)*sind(alpha)/2
[docs]def Bx(alpha, B0): r"""Calculate the hydrodynamic coefficient :math:`\mathcal{B}_{x}` using the geometrical model: .. math:: \mathcal{B}_{x} = \mathcal{B}_{0}\cos^{2}\alpha. Parameters ---------- alpha : array, scalar Dune orientation with respect to the perpendicular to the flow direction (in degree). B0 : array, scalar value of the hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. Returns ------- array, scalar the hydrodynamic coefficient. """ return B0*cosd(alpha)**2
[docs]def By(alpha, B0): r"""Calculate the hydrodynamic coefficient :math:`\mathcal{B}_{y}` using the geometrical model: .. math:: \mathcal{B}_{y} = 0.5*\mathcal{B}_{0}\cos\alpha\sin\alpha Parameters ---------- alpha : array, scalar Dune orientation with respect to the perpendicular to the flow direction (in degree). B0 : array, scalar value of the hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. Returns ------- array, scalar the hydrodynamic coefficient. """ return B0*cosd(alpha)*sind(alpha)/2
[docs]def Cisaillement_basal(x, y, alpha, A0, B0, AR): r"""Calculate the basal shear stress over a two dimensional sinusoidal topography for a wind from left to right (along the :math:`x`-direction): .. math:: \Tau_{x} = \Re\left(1 + (\mathcal{A}_{x}(\alpha, \mathcal{A}_{0}) + i\mathcal{B}_{x}(\alpha, \mathcal{B}_{0}))k\xi\exp^{i\cos\alpha x + \sin\alpha y}\right) \Tau_{y} = \Re\left((\mathcal{A}_{y}(\alpha, \mathcal{A}_{0}) + i\mathcal{B}_{y}(\alpha, \mathcal{B}_{0}))k\xi\exp^{i\cos\alpha x + \sin\alpha y}\right) Parameters ---------- x : array, scalar Streamwise coordinate, non-dimensional (:math:`kx`). y : array, scalar Spanwise coordinate, non-dimensional (:math:`ky`). alpha : array, scalar Dune orientation with respect to the perpendicular to the flow direction (in degree). A0 : array, scalar value of the in-phase hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. B0 : array, scalar value of the in-quadrature hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. AR : array, scalar dune aspect ratio, :math:`k\xi`. Returns ------- Taux : array, scalar Streamwise component of the non-dimensional shear stress. Tauy : array, scalar Spanwise component of the non-dimensional shear stress """ Taux = np.real(+ (1 + (Ax(alpha, A0) + 1j*Bx(alpha, B0))*AR*np.exp(1j*(cosd(alpha)*x + sind(alpha)*y)))) Tauy = np.real(+ (Ay(alpha, A0) + 1j*By(alpha, B0))*AR*np.exp(1j*(cosd(alpha)*x + sind(alpha)*y))) return Taux, Tauy
[docs]def Cisaillement_basal_rotated_wind(x, y, alpha, A0, B0, AR, theta): r"""Calculate the basal shear stress over a two dimensional sinusoidal topography for an arbitrary wind direction. Parameters ---------- x : array, scalar Streamwise coordinate, non-dimensional (:math:`kx`). y : array, scalar Spanwise coordinate, non-dimensional (:math:`ky`). alpha : array, scalar Dune orientation with respect to the perpendicular to the flow direction (in degree). A0 : array, scalar value of the hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. B0 : array, scalar value of the hydrodynamic coefficient for :math:`\alpha = 0`, i.e. for a dune orientation perpendicular to the flow direction. AR : array, scalar dune aspect ratio, :math:`k\xi`. theta : array, scalar Wind direction, in degree, in the trigonometric convention. Returns ------- Taux : array, scalar Streamwise component of the non-dimensional shear stress. Tauy : array, scalar Spanwise component of the non-dimensional shear stress """ # same but for an arbitrary wind direction oriented by theta xrot = x*cosd(theta) + y*sind(theta) yrot = y*cosd(theta) - x*sind(theta) alpha_rot = ((alpha - theta + 90) % 180) - 90 # alpha_rot = alpha - theta Taux, Tauy = Cisaillement_basal(xrot, yrot, alpha_rot, A0, B0, AR) return cosd(theta)*Taux - sind(theta)*Tauy, Taux*sind(theta) + Tauy*cosd(theta)
# %% # Hydrodynamic coefficients approximation Fourriere 2011 # -----------------
[docs]def function_coeff(R, a): return a[0] + (a[1] + a[2]*R + a[3]*R**2 + a[4]*R**3)/(1 + a[5]*R**2 + a[6]*R**4)
[docs]def coeffA0(eta_0): R = np.log(2*np.pi/eta_0) a = [2, 1.0702, 0.093069, 0.10838, 0.024835, 0.041603, 0.0010625] return function_coeff(R, a)
[docs]def coeffB0(eta_0): R = np.log(2*np.pi/eta_0) b = [0, 0.036989, 0.15765, 0.11518, 0.0020249, 0.0028725, 0.00053483] return function_coeff(R, b)
# %% # Convective boundary layer -- stratified free atmosphere model # ----------------- def _mu_prime(eta, eta_0, Kappa=0.4): r""" derivative of the ratio :math:`U(z)/u_{*}` following the law of the wall: ..:math:: \frac{1}{u_{*}}\frac{\textup{d}U(z)}{\textup{d}z} = \frac{1}{\kappa}\frac{1}{(z + z_{0}}. Parameters ---------- eta : scalar, np.array height eta_0 : scalar, np.array hydrodyamic roughness Kappa : float, optional Von Karmàn constant (the default is 0.4). Returns ------- scalar, np.array Array of the ratio defined above. """ return (1/Kappa)*(1/(eta + eta_0)) def _P(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa): """:math:`P` matrix. Parameters ---------- eta : scalar, np.array Non dimensional height :math:`k z`. eta_H : scalar, np.array Non dimensional boundary layer height :math:`k H`. eta_0 : scalar, np.array Non dimensional hydrodyamic roughness :math:`k z_{0}`. Kappa : float Von Karmàn constant. Returns ------- np.array The :math:`P` matrix built from the input parameters. """ tp = (1 - eta/eta_H) # P1 = [0, -1j, _mu_prime(eta, eta_0, Kappa)/(2*tp), 0] P2 = [-1j, 0, 0, 0] P3 = [1j*mu(eta, eta_0, Kappa) + 4*tp/_mu_prime(eta, eta_0, Kappa), _mu_prime(eta, eta_0, Kappa), 0, 1j] P4 = [0, -1j*mu(eta, eta_0, Kappa), 1j, 0] # P = np.array([P1, P2, P3, P4]) return P def _S(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa): """:math:`S` vector. Parameters ---------- eta : scalar, np.array Non dimensional height :math:`k z`. eta_H : scalar, np.array Non dimensional boundary layer height :math:`k H`. eta_0 : scalar, np.array Non dimensional hydrodyamic roughness :math:`k z_{0}`. Kappa : float Von Karmàn constant. Returns ------- np.array The :math:`S` vector built from the input parameters. """ return np.array([Kappa*_mu_prime(eta, eta_0, Kappa)**2 - _mu_prime(eta, eta_0, Kappa)/(2*eta_H), 0, 0, 0]) def _S_delta(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa): r""":math:`S_{\delta}` vector. Parameters ---------- eta : scalar, np.array Non dimensional height :math:`k z`. eta_H : scalar, np.array Non dimensional boundary layer height :math:`k H`. eta_0 : scalar, np.array Non dimensional hydrodyamic roughness :math:`k z_{0}`. Kappa : float Von Karmàn constant. Returns ------- np.array The :math:`S_{\delta}` vector built from the input parameters. """ tp = (1 - eta/eta_H) return np.array([-eta*_mu_prime(eta, eta_0, Kappa)/(2*eta_H**2*tp), 0, 0, 0]) def _q1(eta_B): return np.piecewise(eta_B + 0j, [eta_B > 1, eta_B <= 1], [lambda x: -np.sqrt(1 - 1/x**2), lambda x: 1j*np.sqrt(1/eta_B**2 - 1)]) def _func(eta, X, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa): # print(X.shape) if len(X.shape) == 1: return np.squeeze(_P(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa).dot(X)) else: return _P(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa).dot(X) def _func1(eta, X, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa): # print(X.shape) if len(X.shape) == 1: return np.squeeze(_P(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa).dot(X)) + _S(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa) else: return _P(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa).dot(X) + np.transpose(np.tile(_S(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa), (X.shape[1], 1))) def _func_delta(eta, X, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa): # print(X.shape) if len(X.shape) == 1: return np.squeeze(_P(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa).dot(X)) + _S_delta(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa) else: return _P(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa).dot(X) + np.transpose(np.tile(_S_delta(eta, eta_H, eta_0, Kappa), (X.shape[1], 1))) def _solve_system(eta_0, eta_H, Kappa=0.4, max_z=None, method='DOP853', dense_output=True, **kwargs): eta_span_tp = [0, eta_H] if max_z is None else [0, max_z] # eta_val = np.linspace(0, eta_H, 100) X0_vec = [np.array([-_mu_prime(0, eta_0, Kappa), 0*1j, 0, 0], dtype='complex_'), np.array([0, 0*1j, 1, 0], dtype='complex_'), np.array([0, 0*1j, 0, 1], dtype='complex_'), np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype='complex_')] Results = [] for i, X0 in enumerate(X0_vec): # print(i) if i == 0: test = solve_ivp(_func1, eta_span_tp, X0, args=(eta_H, eta_0, Kappa), method=method, dense_output=dense_output, **kwargs) elif i == 4: test = solve_ivp(_func_delta, eta_span_tp, X0, args=(eta_H, eta_0, Kappa), method=method, dense_output=dense_output, **kwargs) else: test = solve_ivp(_func, eta_span_tp, X0, args=(eta_H, eta_0, Kappa), method=method, dense_output=dense_output, **kwargs) Results.append(test) return Results
[docs]def calculate_solution(eta, eta_H, eta_0, eta_B, Fr, max_z, Kappa=0.4, output='simple', **kwargs): r"""Solve the system and apply the boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- eta : scalar, numpy.array vector of vertical non dimensional positions :math:`k z` where to calculate the solutions. eta_H : scalar, np.array Non dimensional boundary layer height :math:`k H`. eta_0 : scalar, np.array Non dimensional hydrodyamic roughness :math:`k z_{0}`. eta_B : scalar, np.array Non dimensional stratification length :math:`k L_{B}`. Fr : scalar, np.array Froude number max_z : scalar, np.array Maximum vertical position where the system is solved, and also where the boundary conditons are applied. Usually set to something slightly smaller than `eta_H` to avoid the very slow resolution close to the top of the boundary layer. Usefull when investigating the solution close to the bottom. Kappa : float, optional Von Karmàn constant (the default is 0.4). output : string, optional changes what returns the function (default is 'simple'). Returns ------- np.array, list If `output` is 'simple', return an array with the solution in every vertical step specified by `eta`. If `output` is 'full', return a list whose elements are: - the array with the solution in every vertical step specified by `eta`. - the output of `_solve_system`. - the coefficients of the linear decomposition of the solution. """ Results = _solve_system(eta_0, eta_H, Kappa=0.4, max_z=max_z, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-10, **kwargs) # Defining boundary conditions To_apply = np.array([X.sol(max_z)[1:] for X in Results]).T # b = np.array([1j*mu(max_z, eta_0, Kappa), # W(eta_H) = i*mu(eta_H)*delta 1/max_z, # St(eta_H) = delta/eta_H mu(max_z, eta_0, Kappa)**2*(complex(_q1(eta_B)) + 1/(eta_H*Fr**2))]) # Sn(eta_H) = mu(eta_H)**2*(q1 - 1/(eta_H*Fr**2))*delta # Applying boundary condition pars =[:, :-1]), b - To_apply[:, -1]) coeffs = np.array([1, pars[1]/pars[0], pars[2]/pars[0], 1/pars[0]]) coeffs_expanded = np.expand_dims(coeffs, (1, ) + tuple(np.arange(len(np.array(eta).shape)) + 2)) # returning solutions in eta if output == 'simple': return np.sum(np.array([X.sol(eta) for X in Results])*coeffs_expanded, axis=0) elif output == 'full': return [np.sum(np.array([X.sol(eta) for X in Results])*coeffs_expanded, axis=0), Results, coeffs]