Calibration of the hydrodynamic roughness#

For each station, the hydrodynamic roughness is calibrated by finding the one that minimizes the difference between the wind vectors of both datasets.

  • we compute the difference between wind vectors using hydrodynamic roughnesses ranging from \(10^{-5}\) m to \(10^{-2}\) m.

  • we find the minimum in this space, which is a line.

  • we impose an hydrodynamic roughness of \(10^{-3}\) m for the Era5Land dataset, and compute the corresponding roughness for the in situ dataset.

The chosen metric for comparison is then:

\[\delta = \frac{\sqrt{\langle\| \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{era}} - \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{station}} \|^{2}\rangle_{t}}}{\sqrt{ \langle \| \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{era}} \| \rangle_{t}\langle \| \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{station}} \| \rangle_{t}}}\]


Adamax_Station: z0 = 2.7e-03 m
Deep_Sea_Station: z0 = 7.6e-04 m
Huab_Station: z0 = 1.2e-04 m
South_Namib_Station: z0 = 4.8e-04 m

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import python_codes.theme as theme
from python_codes.general import smallestSignedAngleBetween, cosd, sind, find_mode_distribution
from python_codes.meteo_analysis import mu

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)

# paths
path_outputdata = '../static/data/processed_data/'

# Parameters
z0_era = 1e-3  # hydrodynamic roughness chosen for the Era5Land dataset [m]
g = 9.81  # gravitational acceleration [m2/s]
angle_tolerance = 15  # tolerance in selecting the wind orientation matching between both datasets

# parameter space exploration
z0_insitu_vals = np.logspace(-5, -2, 50)
z0_era_vals = np.logspace(-5, -2, 50)
Z0_ERA, Z0_STATION = np.meshgrid(z0_era_vals, z0_insitu_vals)

# Storage for figure
Metrics = []
Pvals = []

Data = np.load(os.path.join(path_outputdata, 'Data_preprocessed.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item()
z0 = {}
for station in sorted(Data.keys()):
    Delta_orientation = smallestSignedAngleBetween(Data[station]['Orientation_era'], Data[station]['Orientation_insitu'])
    mode_delta_orientation = find_mode_distribution(Delta_orientation[~np.isnan(Delta_orientation)], 100)
    # Computing mask for only valid data (U > 0 and Delta_orientation small enough)
    mask_gen = (~np.isnan(Data[station]['U_insitu'])) & (Data[station]['U_insitu'] > 0)
    mask_angle = (Delta_orientation >= mode_delta_orientation - angle_tolerance) & (Delta_orientation <= mode_delta_orientation + angle_tolerance)
    mask = mask_gen & mask_angle
    # Computing the shear velocity for all possible values of hydrodynamic roughness
    u_star_era = Data[station]['U_era'][mask][:, None, None]/mu(Data[station]['z_ERA5LAND'], Z0_ERA[None, :, :])
    u_star_insitu_avg = Data[station]['U_insitu'][mask][:, None, None]/mu(Data[station]['z_insitu'], Z0_STATION[None, :, :])
    # Computing wind velocity in cartesian coordinates
    ux_insitu, uy_insitu = u_star_insitu_avg*cosd(Data[station]['Orientation_insitu'][mask][:, None, None]), u_star_insitu_avg*sind(Data[station]['Orientation_insitu'][mask][:, None, None])
    ux_era, uy_era = u_star_era*cosd(Data[station]['Orientation_era'][mask][:, None, None]), u_star_era*sind(Data[station]['Orientation_era'][mask][:, None, None])
    # Computing norm of the relative difference between both datasets
    U_star_era, U_star_insitu = np.array([ux_era, uy_era]), np.array([ux_insitu, uy_insitu])
    metric = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.linalg.norm(U_star_era - U_star_insitu, axis=0)**2, axis=0))
    metric = metric/np.sqrt(u_star_era.mean(axis=0)*u_star_insitu_avg.mean(axis=0))
    # Finding minimum
    x = np.copy(z0_era_vals)
    y = z0_insitu_vals[metric.argmin(axis=0)]
    p = np.polyfit(np.log(x[:-7]), np.log(y[:-7]), 1)
    Data[station]['z0_insitu'] = np.exp(p[1])*z0_era**p[0]
    print(station + ': z0 = ' + '{:.1e}'.format(Data[station]['z0_insitu']) + ' m')
    # Storage for figure
    # completing dataset
    Data[station]['U_star_era'] = Data[station]['U_era']/mu(Data[station]['z_ERA5LAND'], z0_era)
    Data[station]['U_star_insitu'] = Data[station]['U_insitu']/mu(Data[station]['z_insitu'], Data[station]['z0_insitu']), 'Data_final.npy'), Data), 'Data_calib_roughness.npy'),
        {'Metrics': Metrics, 'Pvals': Pvals, 'z0_era_vals': z0_era_vals,
         'z0_insitu_vals': z0_insitu_vals, 'Stations': sorted(Data.keys())})

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.877 seconds)

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