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Calibration of the hydrodynamic roughness#
For each station, the hydrodynamic roughness is calibrated by finding the one that minimizes the difference between the wind vectors of both datasets.
we compute the difference between wind vectors using hydrodynamic roughnesses ranging from \(10^{-5}\) m to \(10^{-2}\) m.
we find the minimum in this space, which is a line.
we impose an hydrodynamic roughness of \(10^{-3}\) m for the Era5Land dataset, and compute the corresponding roughness for the in situ dataset.
The chosen metric for comparison is then:
\[\delta = \frac{\sqrt{\langle\| \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{era}} - \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{station}} \|^{2}\rangle_{t}}}{\sqrt{ \langle \| \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{era}} \| \rangle_{t}\langle \| \boldsymbol{u}_{*, \textrm{station}} \| \rangle_{t}}}\]
Adamax_Station: z0 = 2.7e-03 m
Deep_Sea_Station: z0 = 7.6e-04 m
Huab_Station: z0 = 1.2e-04 m
South_Namib_Station: z0 = 4.8e-04 m
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import python_codes.theme as theme
from python_codes.general import smallestSignedAngleBetween, cosd, sind, find_mode_distribution
from python_codes.meteo_analysis import mu
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
# paths
path_outputdata = '../static/data/processed_data/'
# Parameters
z0_era = 1e-3 # hydrodynamic roughness chosen for the Era5Land dataset [m]
g = 9.81 # gravitational acceleration [m2/s]
angle_tolerance = 15 # tolerance in selecting the wind orientation matching between both datasets
# parameter space exploration
z0_insitu_vals = np.logspace(-5, -2, 50)
z0_era_vals = np.logspace(-5, -2, 50)
Z0_ERA, Z0_STATION = np.meshgrid(z0_era_vals, z0_insitu_vals)
# Storage for figure
Metrics = []
Pvals = []
Data = np.load(os.path.join(path_outputdata, 'Data_preprocessed.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item()
z0 = {}
for station in sorted(Data.keys()):
Delta_orientation = smallestSignedAngleBetween(Data[station]['Orientation_era'], Data[station]['Orientation_insitu'])
mode_delta_orientation = find_mode_distribution(Delta_orientation[~np.isnan(Delta_orientation)], 100)
# Computing mask for only valid data (U > 0 and Delta_orientation small enough)
mask_gen = (~np.isnan(Data[station]['U_insitu'])) & (Data[station]['U_insitu'] > 0)
mask_angle = (Delta_orientation >= mode_delta_orientation - angle_tolerance) & (Delta_orientation <= mode_delta_orientation + angle_tolerance)
mask = mask_gen & mask_angle
# Computing the shear velocity for all possible values of hydrodynamic roughness
u_star_era = Data[station]['U_era'][mask][:, None, None]/mu(Data[station]['z_ERA5LAND'], Z0_ERA[None, :, :])
u_star_insitu_avg = Data[station]['U_insitu'][mask][:, None, None]/mu(Data[station]['z_insitu'], Z0_STATION[None, :, :])
# Computing wind velocity in cartesian coordinates
ux_insitu, uy_insitu = u_star_insitu_avg*cosd(Data[station]['Orientation_insitu'][mask][:, None, None]), u_star_insitu_avg*sind(Data[station]['Orientation_insitu'][mask][:, None, None])
ux_era, uy_era = u_star_era*cosd(Data[station]['Orientation_era'][mask][:, None, None]), u_star_era*sind(Data[station]['Orientation_era'][mask][:, None, None])
# Computing norm of the relative difference between both datasets
U_star_era, U_star_insitu = np.array([ux_era, uy_era]), np.array([ux_insitu, uy_insitu])
metric = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.linalg.norm(U_star_era - U_star_insitu, axis=0)**2, axis=0))
metric = metric/np.sqrt(u_star_era.mean(axis=0)*u_star_insitu_avg.mean(axis=0))
# Finding minimum
x = np.copy(z0_era_vals)
y = z0_insitu_vals[metric.argmin(axis=0)]
p = np.polyfit(np.log(x[:-7]), np.log(y[:-7]), 1)
Data[station]['z0_insitu'] = np.exp(p[1])*z0_era**p[0]
print(station + ': z0 = ' + '{:.1e}'.format(Data[station]['z0_insitu']) + ' m')
# Storage for figure
# completing dataset
Data[station]['U_star_era'] = Data[station]['U_era']/mu(Data[station]['z_ERA5LAND'], z0_era)
Data[station]['U_star_insitu'] = Data[station]['U_insitu']/mu(Data[station]['z_insitu'], Data[station]['z0_insitu']), 'Data_final.npy'), Data), 'Data_calib_roughness.npy'),
{'Metrics': Metrics, 'Pvals': Pvals, 'z0_era_vals': z0_era_vals,
'z0_insitu_vals': z0_insitu_vals, 'Stations': sorted(Data.keys())})
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.877 seconds)