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Analysis of the DEMs#
Here, we extract from each DEMs the average orientation, wavelength and amplitude of the dune pattern:
we remove the general trend by fitting a second order polynomial surface.
we use autocorrelation of the residual topography to extract the three relevant quantities (see
for details).
import numpy as np
import os
from geopy import distance
import sys
from python_codes.DEM_analysis import polyfit2d, periodicity_2d
import python_codes.theme as theme
def DEM_analysis(file):
data = np.load(file, allow_pickle=True).item()
# Removing large scale topo
kx, ky = 2, 2
LON, LAT = np.meshgrid(data['lon'], data['lat'])
soln, residuals, rank, s = polyfit2d(LON, LAT, data['DEM'], kx=kx, ky=ky, order_max=2)
fitted_surf = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d(LON, LAT, soln.reshape((kx + 1, ky + 1)).T)
# Calculating average conversion deg -> km
x_km = np.array([distance.distance((data['lat'][0], i), (data['lat'][0], data['lon'][0]), ellipsoid='WGS-84').km for i in data['lon']])
y_km = np.array([distance.distance((i, data['lon'][0]), (data['lat'][0], data['lon'][0]), ellipsoid='WGS-84').km for i in data['lat']])
km_step = np.mean([np.diff(x_km).mean(), np.diff(y_km).mean()])
return *periodicity_2d(data['DEM'] - fitted_surf, 40), data['DEM'] - fitted_surf, data['lon'], data['lat'], km_step
Stations = ['Deep_Sea_Station', 'South_Namib_Station']
Data_DEM = {}
# Paths
path_outputdata = '../static/data/processed_data/'
path_inputdata = '../static/data/raw_data'
for i, station in enumerate(Stations):
file = os.path.join(path_inputdata, 'DEM/DEM_' + station + '.npy')
orientation, wavelength_indx, amplitude, p0, p1, transect, C, topo, lon, lat, km_step = DEM_analysis(file)
Data_DEM[station] = {'orientation': orientation, 'wavelength': wavelength_indx*km_step,
'wavelength_indx': wavelength_indx,
'amplitude': amplitude, 'p0': p0, 'p1': p1,
'transect': transect, 'C': C, 'topo': topo, 'lat': lat,
'lon': lon, 'km_step': km_step}, 'Data_DEM.npy'), Data_DEM)
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.043 seconds)