Source code for python_codes.DEM_analysis

Functions used in the analysis of elevation data.


import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks, correlate
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from python_codes.general import cosd, sind

[docs]def array_transect(A, p0, p1, type='cubic', num=100): """Compute the profile between to points inside a matrix. Parameters ---------- A : array_like, shape(M, N) Input array. p0 : array_like, shape(2,) Pixel coordinates of the starting point. p1 : array_like, shape(2,) Pixel coordinates of the ending point. type : str, optional Type of the interpolation: 'nearest' or 'cubic' (the default is 'nearest'). num : int, optional Size of the output interpolated transect (the default is 100). Returns ------- array_like, shape(num,) Interpolated transect between `p0` and `p1`. """ x0, y0 = p0[1], p0[0] # These are in pixel coordinates!! x1, y1 = p1[1], p1[0] # if type == 'cubic': x, y = np.linspace(x0, x1, num), np.linspace(y0, y1, num) # # Extract the values along the line, using cubic interpolation return map_coordinates(A, np.vstack((x, y))) elif type == 'nearest': length = int(np.hypot(x1-x0, y1-y0)) x, y = np.linspace(x0, x1, length), np.linspace(y0, y1, length) x_ok, y_ok = x[(x > 0) & (x < A.shape[0]) & (y > 0) & (y < A.shape[1])], y[(x > 0) & (x < A.shape[0]) & (y > 0) & (y < A.shape[1])] # # Extract the values along the line return A[x_ok.astype(, y_ok.astype(] else: print('wrong type')
[docs]def polyfit2d(X, Y, Z, kx, ky, order_max=None): """Fitting polynomials in 2d dimensions. Resultant fit can be plotted with: `np.polynomial.polynomial.polygrid2d(x, y, p.reshape((kx+1, ky+1)).T)` Parameters ---------- X : array_like, shape (M,N) 1st coordinate array as output of `np.meshgrid`. Y : array_like, shape (M,N) 2nd coordinate array as output of `np.meshgrid`. Z : array_like, shape (M,N) Surface points to be fitted kx : int Degree in the first coordinate. ky : int Degree in the second coordinate. order_max : int or None, optional If None, all coefficients up to maxiumum kx, ky, ie. up to and including x^kx*y^ky, are considered. If int, coefficients up to a maximum of kx+ky <= order_max are considered (the default is None). Returns ------- p: ndarray Least-squares solution from residuals: ndarray Sums of squared residuals. rank: int Rank of matrix a. s: ndarray Singular values of a. """ X_flat, Y_flat = X.flatten(), Y.flatten() power_x, power_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(kx + 1), np.arange(ky + 1)) coeffs = np.ones(power_x.shape) if order_max is not None: mask_order = (power_x + power_y) > order_max coeffs[mask_order] = 0 A = coeffs.flatten()[None, :]*X_flat[:, None]**power_x.flatten()[None, :]*Y_flat[:, None]**power_y.flatten()[None, :] return np.linalg.lstsq(A, Z.flatten(), rcond=None)
[docs]def find_first_max(a, type='first', min_pos=0, max_pos=-1): """Find the first maximum of an autocorrelation profile. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (N, ) Input array. type : str If 'first', the returned peak is the first peak detected by `scipy.signal.find_peaks`. If 'max', the returned peak is the one with the largest height (the default is 'first'). min_pos : int Minimum index above which the peak is searched (the default is 0). max_pos : int Minimum index below which the peak is searched (the default is -1). Returns ------- int Return the position of the first peak. """ peaks = find_peaks(a)[0] if max_pos == -1: max_pos = a.size if len(peaks) > 0: mask = (peaks >= min_pos) & (peaks <= max_pos) & (a[peaks] > 0) peaks = peaks[mask] if len(peaks) > 0: a_norm = a/np.max(a) if type == 'first': ind = 0 elif type == 'max': ind = np.argmax(a_norm[peaks]) else: print('wrong argument type in function call') lamb = peaks[ind] else: lamb = np.nan else: lamb = np.nan return lamb
[docs]def periodicity_2d(A, rad, type='first'): r"""Calculate the properties (orientation, wavelength, amplitude) of a 2-dimensional pattern. - The orientation is calculated by computed the integration over `rad` of the autocorrelation matrix around its maximum in each direction. The pattern orientation is then taken as where the maximum is. - The wavelength is taken at the position of the first maximum of the autocorrelation profile in the direction perpendicular to the orientation. - The amplitude is linked to the maximum of the autocorrelation matrix as :math:`A = \sqrt{2 C(0, 0)}`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Input array. rad : int Distance over wich the integration for the cauclation of the orientation is computed. type : str Type of the detection of the peak of the autocorrelation for finding the wavelength. It can be 'first' or 'max'. See `python_codes.DEM_analysis.find_first_max for details.` Returns ------- orientation: float Orientation of the pattern in degrees. wavelength: float Wavelength of the pattern in pixels. amplitude: float Amplitude of the pattern in the input array unit. p0: array_like, shape (2,) Coordinates of the maximum of the autocorrelation matrix. p1: array_like, shape (2,) Coordinates of the end of the profile used for the calculation of the wavelength. transect: array_like Profile used for the calculation of the wavelength. C: array_like Autocorrelation matrix. """ C = correlate(A, A)/A.size alpha = list(np.linspace(0, 179, 181)) grad = np.zeros((len(alpha),)) Imax = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(C), C.shape) # for a in alpha: for r in range(rad): I_col = int(round(Imax[1] + cosd(a)*r)) # x I_row = int(round(Imax[0] + sind(a)*r)) # y if I_row < 0: I_row = 0 if I_col < 0: I_col = 0 grad[alpha.index(a)] = grad[alpha.index(a)] + C[I_row, I_col] orientation = alpha[np.argmax(grad)] if (orientation > 88 and orientation < 92): transect = C[A.shape[0], A.shape[1]:] elif (orientation < 2 or orientation > 178): transect = C[A.shape[0]:, A.shape[1]] else: p0 = np.array(Imax[::-1]) p1 = p0 + np.array([cosd(orientation + 90), sind(orientation + 90)])*min(A.shape) transect = array_transect(C, p0, p1, type='cubic', num=int(round(np.linalg.norm(p1-p0)))) wavelength = find_first_max(transect) amplitude = np.sqrt(2*transect[0]) return orientation, wavelength, amplitude, p0, p1, transect, C